Covid Policy FAQ
Covid Procedure & Protocol:
Masks optional
What happens if I test positive before the Convention?
*If an attendee or panelists tests positive within 10 days prior to the convention date they are attending, unfortunately they will be unable to attend, and we will not be able to offer a refund.
*We will however roll over your ticket, table, and/or panel appearance to the following next scheduled Puchicon Convention. You have until the start time of the expected convention date you were planning to attend to contact Puchicon; failure to do so will forfeit your ability to roll over your ticket, table, or panel. Roll overs are only allowed for the NEXT scheduled convention, so the deadline to use your roll over ticket, table, or panel submission will expire after the next scheduled Convention date.
*Please email Puchicon asap on this matter, and if you have any additional questions.
Are masks required?
Puchicon will follow the state and CDC guidelines regarding masking and face coverings. As of now, masks are optional.
Where can I get more information about Covid Guidelines for the Convention?
Check this page regularly.